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Things C said to me when she was supposed to be napping

Things C said to me when I was lying in her bed and she was supposed to be napping:

Are you want a book?
[gets 60 books]

Please put my sock on mommy.

You have a booger. [No I don't, sweetie]

It’s light outside. It’s morning! Time to get up!

Please put my udder sock on mommy.

Are you poop in my room? [No]

Maybe it was daddy. [Nobody pooped in your room, honey).

Are you please open the door? I need my boots.

I put my skirt on

Are you please get my elephant night light?
I’ll get a chair

Here’s a monkey for you

Are you please open the door? I need to get YOUR boots

This is your eye
[touches my eye]

Raise your hand if you like bananas!

Love you pieces


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