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Showing posts from April, 2017

Monday Morning: A To Do List

Monday  Morning: A To Do List By: Gennie and Carrie 1. Spend 30 minutes screaming at mom to go in the kitchen when she is, in fact, in the kitchen 2. When mom picks you up, jump down and scream that she's not holding you right. 3. Repeat step 2 twenty times 4. Pee on mom 5. Squeeze a pear-spinach pouch all over mom's work outfit 6. Yell at mom as if she is somehow responsible for 5. 7. Toothpaste in hair 8. Yell that your sock isn't on right 9. Yell that your sock isn't on right 10. Yell that your sock isn't on right 11. Demand fruit snacks 12. Yell that your sock isn't on right 13. Attempt to get dressed yourself 14. When mom tries to help you after your 5th attempt at putting your diaper on (backwards), start over 15. At preschool, refuse to go in classroom. 16. Big hug.